Matching Image to a Collection of Images With Emgu CV
One way for finding matching image within a collection of images (let’s say using SURF algorithm) is to extract features from the query image and all the images in the collection, and then find matching features one by one.
While this might work for small collections, it will have horrible performance for collections of considerable size.
For a better performing approach we can use Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor (FLANN) search which was created for the purpose of doing fast nearest neighbor search in large data-sets.
So let’s get straight to it.
Implementation Concept
For each image in the collection compute descriptors with the algorithm best fitting your requirements.
I am using SURF, however depending on the required license, performance or image nuances a different algorithm might be more appropriate.
Combine all the descriptors into one big matrix while keeping track which descriptor range within the matrix came from what image.
Basically we concatenate rows from all matrices and save the row number where the newly appended descriptors start and end.
Build a FLANN index from the concatenated matrix.
Compute descriptors for the query image.
Run KNN search over the FLANN index. A K-Nearest-Neighbours search computes the distance between a query descriptor and all of the image collection descriptors, and returns the K pairs with lowest distance. KNN search will produce two matrices – Indeces matrix and Distances matrix containing indices of descriptors within the concatenated matrix which had the lowest distance and the distances themselves, respectively.
Filter out all the inadequate matches computed in the previous step.
Now we can find images matching the query image. Since we know which descriptors within the concatenated matrix belong to what
image, the best matching image will be one that has the higher number of descriptors, or more precisely descriptor indexes in the Indices matrix.
/// <summary>/// Main method./// </summary>publicIList<IndecesMapping>Match(){string[]dbImages={"1.jpg","2.jpg","3.jpg"};stringqueryImage="query.jpg";IList<IndecesMapping>imap;// compute descriptors for each imagevardbDescsList=ComputeMultipleDescriptors(dbImages,outimap);// concatenate all DB images descriptors into single MatrixMatrix<float>dbDescs=ConcatDescriptors(dbDescsList);// compute descriptors for the query imageMatrix<float>queryDescriptors=ComputeSingleDescriptors(queryImage);FindMatches(dbDescs,queryDescriptors,refimap);returnimap;}
/// <summary>/// Computes image descriptors./// </summary>/// <param name="fileName">Image filename.</param>/// <returns>The descriptors for the given image.</returns>publicMatrix<float>ComputeSingleDescriptors(stringfileName){Matrix<float>descs;using(Image<Gray,Byte>img=newImage<Gray,byte>(fileName)){VectorOfKeyPointkeyPoints=detector.DetectKeyPointsRaw(img,null);descs=detector.ComputeDescriptorsRaw(img,null,keyPoints);}returndescs;}
/// <summary>/// Convenience method for computing descriptors for multiple images./// On return imap is filled with structures specifying which descriptor ranges in the concatenated matrix belong to what image. /// </summary>/// <param name="fileNames">Filenames of images to process.</param>/// <param name="imap">List of IndecesMapping to hold descriptor ranges for each image.</param>/// <returns>List of descriptors for the given images.</returns>publicIList<Matrix<float>>ComputeMultipleDescriptors(string[]fileNames,outIList<IndecesMapping>imap){imap=newList<IndecesMapping>();IList<Matrix<float>>descs=newList<Matrix<float>>();intr=0;for(inti=0;i<fileNames.Length;i++){vardesc=ComputeSingleDescriptors(fileNames[i]);descs.Add(desc);imap.Add(newIndecesMapping(){fileName=fileNames[i],IndexStart=r,IndexEnd=r+desc.Rows-1});r+=desc.Rows;}returndescs;}
/// <summary>/// Computes 'similarity' value (IndecesMapping.Similarity) for each image in the collection against our query image./// </summary>/// <param name="dbDescriptors">Query image descriptor.</param>/// <param name="queryDescriptors">Consolidated db images descriptors.</param>/// <param name="images">List of IndecesMapping to hold the 'similarity' value for each image in the collection.</param>publicvoidFindMatches(Matrix<float>dbDescriptors,Matrix<float>queryDescriptors,refIList<IndecesMapping>imap){varindices=newMatrix<int>(queryDescriptors.Rows,2);// matrix that will contain indices of the 2-nearest neighbors foundvardists=newMatrix<float>(queryDescriptors.Rows,2);// matrix that will contain distances to the 2-nearest neighbors found// create FLANN index with 4 kd-trees and perform KNN search over it look for 2 nearest neighboursvarflannIndex=newIndex(dbDescriptors,4);flannIndex.KnnSearch(queryDescriptors,indices,dists,2,24);for(inti=0;i<indices.Rows;i++){// filter out all inadequate pairs based on distance between pairsif(dists.Data[i,0]<(0.6*dists.Data[i,1])){// find image from the db to which current descriptor range belongs and increment similarity value.// in the actual implementation this should be done differently as it's not very efficient for large image collections.foreach(varimginimap){if(img.IndexStart<=i&&img.IndexEnd>=i){img.Similarity++;break;}}}}}
/// <summary>/// Concatenates descriptors from different sources (images) into single matrix./// </summary>/// <param name="descriptors">Descriptors to concatenate.</param>/// <returns>Concatenated matrix.</returns>publicMatrix<float>ConcatDescriptors(IList<Matrix<float>>descriptors){intcols=descriptors[0].Cols;introws=descriptors.Sum(a=>a.Rows);float[,]concatedDescs=newfloat[rows,cols];intoffset=0;foreach(vardescriptorindescriptors){// append new descriptorsBuffer.BlockCopy(descriptor.ManagedArray,0,concatedDescs,offset,sizeof(float)*descriptor.ManagedArray.Length);offset+=sizeof(float)*descriptor.ManagedArray.Length;}returnnewMatrix<float>(concatedDescs);}